Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Video - Major Ted Skowronek's B-25 Flight

Major Ted Skowronek shows us a B-25 then takes a flight in it over Arizona. His best friend Paul Cornell arranged a ride for him on the B-25 named "Barbie III" with the help of Rich Cutshall. Major Skowronek served with the 354th Fighter Group in World War II. In this leisurely paced video you will get a chance to see and hear an actual B-25 from World War II.

Both Ted and Paul passed away in 2012. They will be missed. Paul was extremely helpful with this project.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Video: Brueland's GRIM REAPER (Then and Now)

Col. Lowell K. Brueland of the 354th Fighter Group flew GRIM REAPER in World War II. In this video he explains how his P-51 got named GRIM REAPER. We also see the current day P-51 named GRIM REAPER flying in Hollister, California. (Also included in the video are Chuck Tighe, Ted Skowronek, Hugh Gibson, Clayton K. Gross, and William W. Louie.)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sad News - Passing of Ned Davis and James Hughes

Recently James Hughes and Norman Davis passed away. James Hughes served in the 354th HQ. Norman Davis was a fighter pilot.

Rest in Peace.

Norman Davis