Thursday, February 10, 2011

A page from Chuck Tighe's WWII Collection ( May 1945's "Awards and Decorations" )

I just found this page from one of the 354th Fighter Group's files given to me by Chuck Tighe.

The page is dated June 7, 1945 . It lists the "Awards and Decorations" given to the members of the 355th Fighter Squadron of the 354th Fighter Group during May of 1945.

I have highlighted (in yellow) then men whom we've interviewed. (Ralph Delgado, Linwood Genung, Robert Ramer, Ted Skoronek, Chuck Tighe and Bruno Peters) It was an honor meeting all of them!

I highlighted (in red) a pilot named Ralph Van Cleave. Ralph passed away in 2006. His widow (Virginia) discovered some 16mm film he shot during the war. I am in the process of finding a place to transfer it.

A special thanks to Virginia (for letting me borrow the priceless film) and her friend Peter Iversen who put this all in motion!

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