This blog is about the making of the World War II documentaries called "The Heroes of the 354th Fighter Group" and "Angel from Hell - The Bill Perkins Story".
If you want to contact me, send an email to
I have been editing a section of the film involved two of "The Heroes of the 354th" and their destruction of two enemy jets.
We had the pleasure of interviewing Bruno Peters and Ralph Delgado about a mission on March 2, 1945. Peters was leading the flight and both Peters and Delgado shot down an ME 262 German Jet near Kassel.
Take a look at the official document about the event.
Using a computer program from Apple called MOTION, I will be adding some 3-D movement to the original 2-D photographs that the men and the families of the 354th have let us use for the documentary.
Thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to let us use their personal photos for our important documentary!!!
Especially to Daniel Carrizales and William W. Louie who were the first to loan us photos and get the ball rolling on this documentary project!
This photo from Will is of a man named Jack Wimer. Will has also let us use hundreds of scans from his collection of Jack's personal documents from the war. Among these documents are scans of the original typed historical record of the 356th Fighter Squad and Jack's typed note cards that documented important events from the 354th Fighter Group. Some of these scans will be used to accent dates in our film. You can see an example of these in the "Hitler's Secret Weapon" clip I added to this blog a few days ago.
I received an email from Filip Vojtasek of Prague, Czech Republic.
Filip is looking for information about former Lt. O'Connell of the 353rd Squadron. He says O'Connell was shot down in a dogfight over Czechoslovakia on April 20, 1945.
Does anyone know if Lt. O'Connell is still around? He would really like to find out! Did he ever attend any of the 354th reunions?